2023 National Science Day in India

GSH Group celebrates National Science Day in India, the 28th of February was the discovery of what became known as the ‘Raman Effect’ by Indian physicist, Sir. C.V. Raman. In short, the Raman Effect, or Raman Scattering, is the process by which there is both an exchange of energy and a change in the light’s direction through the scattering of photons by matter. For his discovery of this phenomenon, C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.

We remember C.V. Raman and all those in the field of science this day as they have helped paved the way to the world of science we know today.

GSH Celebrates 2023 National Engineer’s Week

GSH Group celebrates National Engineer’s Week as we recognize and celebrate engineers and tradesmen around the world for their contributions to society and our daily lives. From transportation hubs to the roadways we travel on, and the buildings we live and work in, engineering is all around us, all the time. So many of us traverse our daily lives without considering just how important of a role engineers play in pushing the planet forward. For this, we say ‘Thank You!’ to the men and women in engineering working around the clock, and around the world, to make life happen!

To learn more about what GSH’s engineers can do for your facilities, visit our website.

GSH Celebrates 128 Years of Service Excellence

This Valentine’s Day, we at GSH Group are proud to celebrate our 128-year relationship – with service excellence! From coast to coast and overseas, we’re committed to spreading the love and providing top tier facilities management services everywhere we operate!

To learn more about the love that GSH can show your facilities, visit our website and Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

GSH’s Joe Annino Attends BOMA Luncheon

GSH’s Joe Annino, attended the Bid BOMA: BOMA Marathon luncheon at the Rosewood Commons Conference Center, hosted by BOMA Oakland/East Bay. It was a gathering of colleagues, property managers and vendors who engaged in an interactive roundtable discussion sharing thoughts and perspectives on the bidding process and learning the value of how BOMA relationships can enhance the overall experience.

Looking good Joe, we look forward to taking what you’ve learned and putting it into action!

GSH Celebrates 2023 Black History Month

GSH Group celebrates diversity throughout our company and the facilities management industry. From engineers in aerospace and electronics, to PhDs in mechanical engineering, to CEOs, and inventors, we have much to appreciate from the hard work, dedication and advancements that have been made by those before us.

In honor of Black History Month, we highlight some of the fine men and women throughout history, and their impactful accomplishments that have helped lead us to where we are today.

GSH Supports the Aviation Industry

GSH Group is proud to support the aviation industry as we provide world class services to airport operators, airlines, and aviation support companies around the globe. Most recently, GSH’s Joël CAUBET proudly stands in the luxury lounge of a renowned airline after the completion of its reopening post-pandemic shutdown.

To learn more about how our services can take your facility to new heights, visit our website.