GSH Group, a global integrated facilities management company, has seen significant growth and change throughout the years. Established in the United States in 1996, GSH started the Route Service division which included the launch of GSH’s fleet.
GSH’s Route Service division began with a small team of technicians in vans servicing the NY Metropolitan Area.
Then with a contract win in 2007 in the Baltimore, Maryland area, GSH’s vans expanded to the Baltimore Washington International Airport. Alongside commercial airplanes, the vans can be found driving around the airport. The vans are fully equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment to provide GSH’s clients with general contract support and on-demand and emergency services support across the country.
Today, not only has GSH’s fleet grown on the East Coast but it has recently expanded out to the West Coast into the Los Angeles and Bay Area regions. With the expansion, GSH decided to change the design of the fleet to a modern design wrapping featuring GSH’s colors and chevrons. In 2016, GSH was proud to announce our new 2016 Ram Pro Master 15000 and Ram Pro Master City Base Wagon energy savings vans. The amount of energy these vans will save is equivalent to 218,377 miles driven by an average passenger vehicle. In addition, they will save 10,317 gallons of gasoline per 20,000 miles, comparable to 98,516 pounds of coal burned.
2017 was the launch of GSH’s golf cart, with a contract win in the Bay Area! The golf cart is used by the on-site team, which is an efficient way to get around the facility complex. While driving on the East or West Coast, keep an eye out for one of GSH’s new attention-grabbing fleet!